About Us
How Will We Do IT

Our goal is to establish a masjid that is open and inviting for everyone in our community.
To provide programs and facilities that attract and inspire our youth to develop physically, mentally, and spiritually in an islamic environment.
To provide an open space for our families, such that it becomes of an extension of their own home.
Our goal is to provide programs that attract community members. Young and old, male and female, to develop physically, mentally, and spiritually in a safe and dignified environment.
We are building a space that is your home away from home.

Our Vision
To be a vibrant house of worship that engenders spiritual unity amidst the racial diversity of the Muslim community by providing authentic Islamic education and spiritual and counselingservices. Particular emphasis will be placed on nurturing the community’s youth to instill in them love of their relgion and mold them to be the future leaders of Islam. We will strive to be a dynamic institution that seeks to Build a Prophetic Community (BPC) and that leads with care and compassion in a manner true to prophetic teaching and relevant to the needs of the community.

Our Mission
To provide an inclusive space, sense of community and educational opportunities that enable the Wesley Chapel community to thrive spiritually and overcome the challenges posed by modernity. Moreover, efforts will be introduced to foster civic engagement, oppose injustice and
advocate for the rights of the Muslims and equality among all people. The means of achieving this mission will be through:
1. Instilling in the community principles of Sunni Islam.
2. Addressing the community’s educational, spiritual, psychological and social needs.
3. Developing enriching Islamic activities that are relevant and engaging.
4. Open dialogue and collaboration with ICWC’s neighboring institutions.
5. Creating a religious affairs committee to address the needs of the varying segments of the community.
Our Masjid Plan

Our masjid will be located at the intersection of Livingston and County Line Road. It is located within 3 to 15 minutes of driving distance from Lutz, Wesley Chapel, and Land O’Lakes.
The masjid property consists of a serene and beautiful 5.41 acre lot surrounded with majestic oak trees.

The Masjid building will be a fusion of Eastern and Western design reflecting the beauty of Islamic architecture as well as Western elegance. With large arched windows, natural sunlight will brighten the inside space.

There will be a special prayer area for mothers with toddlers. Additionally, there will be another area for mothers with kids that are older than four years old.
Our goal is to expand the layout in later phases to accommodate more classrooms and specific community needs.

Retreat & Relax
Our facility is a masjid and so much more. It will be a sanctuary for our community–providing a space for spiritual and physical retreat. By the grace of Allah, we will have:
• An outdoor basketball court
• An outdoor volleyball court
• A soccer field
• A children play area
We want our facility to provide an Islamic environment where members feel comfortable exercising. We would like to have our sisters and brothers take advantage of these facilities, with special time dedicated for sisters. This includes group fitness, solo exercise, and time just to sit and enjoy peace of mind in a picturesque setting.
Our objective is to provide the atmosphere for a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

Community Event Center
In the later phases, it is our goal to build a community event center. It can be used for weddings, aqiqahs, graduation ceremonies, conferences, and more.
Our Portfolio

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"Whoever builds a masjid for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise."
- Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him

We would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us with any questions, feedback or inquiries.
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ICWC is a certified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, with aims to provide a sanctuary for the Muslim Community to worship and grow.