Phase 0: Reserving Land

On July 2nd, 2018 we signed the contract to purchase the 5.41-acre lot with majestic oak trees that will host Islamic Community of Wesley Chapel (ICWC) and will benefit generations to come, Inshallah. By August 30th, 2018 through Allah’s (SWT) blessing and generous support of the community we paid off the land. Now we are blessed to have an amazing location that will serve various communities of Wesley Chapel, Lutz, Land-O-Lakes and many more. A mosque brings the community together and acts a linchpin, ICWC Inshallah will be sanctuary for all our brothers and sisters and will be something they can proudly call theirs.

Phase I: Building Masjid & Sports Facilities

This is the phase that requires immaculate planning and good old fashioned hard work. Our plan is to build a small modular masjid to serve our community while we work deligently on building our full-scale masjid. It will have the full functionality and programs of a full-scale masjid. In addition to that we plan to build a professional sports facility to address the needs of our community.
We want ICWC to be “more” than a masjid. We want this be to your second home. A sanctuary. There is a dire need for our sisters to be able to have a safe venue where they can play various sports ranging from basketball, volleyball, soccer and more, with peace of mind, without having to look over their shoulder. A place where they can come together. We want our youth to bond with the masjid’s eco system and these top-of-the-line sport facilities that we are planning to build are the missing pieces that our youth have been craving for. We want our community to nourish physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
Phase II: Building the Main Masjid

For the last couple of years we have been working deligently and methodically to build a masjid that addressess the needs of our community. A masjid that you are please to say “this is my masjid“. Our planning incorporates the needs for our community spanning next 20 plus years. We want to plan not only for present but also for future.
Great deal of work has been completed. It ranges from performing surveys – Tree Survey, Topographic Survey, Boring Survey and more. Civil work related to desgin phase has been completed for various phases.
Our goal throughout the design is to have a masjid that is simple but esthetically pleasing. A masjid that fulfills the needs of its congregates. A mosque where you are spiritually connected and gravitate towards.
We have completed schematic design of architecture phase. During the architect design special attention was placed to address the needs of sisters and families. The sisters have been part of the architect design and worked hand in hand, and provided valuable feedback, ideas and well thought out design.

Phase III: Community Center, Indoor Gymnasium, Masjid Expansion

Mashallah our community has grown exponentially. We need a venue for our community where they can celebrate graduations, weddings, aqiqahs and many more festivities in an elegant and picturesque setting. Our goal is to provide our community with a venue that is elegant and well-designed. Where the place is as important as the event itself and creates memories that can be cherished for years to come.
We are also looking into building an indoor gymanisum for our youth and community to enjoy throughout the year. The indoor gymanisum would compliment our outdoor sports facilities.
As our community grows, so would the need for the masjid to expand. During this phase we will re-evaluate our needs for masjid expansion.

ICWC is a certified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, with aims to provide a sanctuary for the Muslim Community to worship and grow.